Ploom #033


Andy Raffan

Boy sits zigzagged on the riverbank
worn out trainers jiggling over rippling surface.
Tracksuit legs parallel daddy’s long legs,
between them rod and line a patient perpendicular.
He thinks of angles – angling –
the beaten obtuseness of grownups
their sharp reflexive answers
acutely narrowed horizons.

But here they soften by degrees
as the words cast out their lines –
of living in the woods off fire-smoked fish
a never going home time, a forever here time;
the man and the boy and the endless water
and the smoothing of the edges.

Andy Raffan

Andy is a member of Strathkelvin Writers Group and was shortlisted for the Edinburgh Award for Flash Fiction in 2022. His stories are inspired by imagery and fleeting moments and what these might reveal – he does try really hard to ensure that revelation is not too dark but sometimes that's where the story takes him!